Utilising the Results
The results of the routine data-based quality indicators make treatment outcomes transparent and are thus indispensable information for a hospital’s internal quality management, managers and medical and nursing experts.
The results of the routine data-based quality indicators make treatment outcomes transparent and are thus indispensable information for a hospital’s internal quality management, managers and medical and nursing experts.
Indicators such as mortality or complication rates can be used to review hospital treatment procedures, processes and structures, in addition to:
This is accomplished within structures such as cross-operator IQM peer reviews and in-house interdisciplinary M&M conferences and record analyses.
IQM provides member hospitals with further instruments for working with the IQM methodology. Tools such as checklists, guidelines and implementation instructions can be found in the IQM Toolbox in the members area.
1200 peer reviews – 19,000 records – here are the results
INWIDA is derived from the German phrase for “indicator-based presentation of knowledge” and presents the results of more than 1200 IQM peer reviews. When aggregated across many protocols, the documented areas for optimisation and suggestions for improvement become more representative and provide insights that are relevant for all IQM members. The INWIDA project collects these peer review protocols to build a knowledge base that IQM members can use to easily access areas for improvement and proposed solutions based on the respective quality indicators.
The project promotes the transfer and development of knowledge within the IQM network by helping hospitals to implement good ideas for improving the quality of care from as many stakeholders as possible.