Initiative Qualitätsmedizin

Routine Data, Transparency, Peer Review – For Outstanding Medicine and Patient Safety.

Since 2008, hospitals from Germany and Switzerland have worked together to improve quality of care as part of the Initiative Qualitätsmedizin (IQM). IQM’s mission is improve quality of care to the benefit of patients. To this end, IQM members have developed innovative and user-friendly tools for improving quality based on transparency and collegial support.

IQM members commit to the following three principles:

Measuring, Publishing and Improving Quality of Care

IQM currently consists of around 500 hospitals from different countries and groups whose goal it is to improve quality of care. IQM members in Germany and Switzerland treat approximately 7.8 million inpatients annually. This corresponds to almost 40% of inpatients in Germany and around 35% of inpatients in Switzerland.


Overview of IQM

The IQM community is made up of about 500 hospitals who are committed to improving quality of care and learning from each other. The association is open to all acute-care hospitals who agree to commit to using this quality methodology. You can download the IQM presentation for more detailed information.

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